
Your Link



Insights scheme




Adjust Insights testing links

Insights iOS ulink bitly

Insights scheme

Insights scheme Android + tracker

Insights Android tracker URL + deeplink param

Insights iOS tracker URL + deeplink param

Insights iOS tracker URL + deeplink param + deeplink_js param

Insights iOS raw ulink

Insights iOS ulink + tracker token

Insights iOS ulink + tracker token + js flag

Insights multi-platform ulink + tracker token

Insights iOS JSR ulink

Insights iOS JSR ulink + js flag

Insights iOS JSR ulink + js flag and redirect param

Insights multi-platform JSR ulink

Insights multi-platform JSR ulink + js flag

iOS JSR ulink, new format

iOS ulink, new format + js-flag

Branch multi-platform insights link

Branch multi-platform insights link with path

Insights Android Intent test

Insights Android JS test

Insights Android iFrame test

User-agent detection

Bitly JSR new format with js-flag

-var domain ulink

-var domain ulink + js-flag

Multi-tracker ulink, no deeplink param (Android scheme test)

Android tracker ulink, no deeplink param (Android scheme test)